
WTF articles about LanYang Campus

I decided to use English to write this article because I don't want the author to understand or to trace my Blog address.

Okay, it's still a boring day during this evening, and I'm still waiting for the class on 5:30p.m..For no reason, I tried to search some information and keyed in the keyword "LanyangCampus (of course its in Chinese)".

There's many results that include some excel sheets about campus's budget, the lists of students, and some of traveling articles.

Most of the traveling articles were introducing very well such as "The view is great", "We can see the mountain island on the sea", "it's pretty good for study", and so on. And among the sentences, they'd put some beautiful pictures I never saw.

But, there was a FUCKING article wrote about the bad points for LanYang campus. It said the campus's weak point like Lanyang Campus used too much land and space for just building, and destroyed so many trees and the environment on this mountain. I agree with this point. These were the truth, and price of the products and the restaurant were really expansive for students.

In the middle of that article, it said that the author had seen two students was buying their lunch. The author said "it's impoliteness for buying thing with nightclothes and slippers."

Wow....it's really impoliteness for you tourists?

Come on..we're not the animals in ZOO, we're students, and this area is included in the dorm area.

Also, I don't know the author was thinking about. As a student that studied in a Mountain, and they couldn't go to downtown from Monday to Friday evening, and they might go back home once per month, do you think the school might be students' home?

Would you willing to wear a business suit when you want to buy a lunch or cup of tea? and the store is just on the downstairs of your room?

ok, it's a pretty long article about my feeling and I just want to release my feeling to make me feel better.

If anyone wants to check the Fucking article, you can type "LanYang Campus" in Chinese, and maybe you'd find it after click some pages.


  1. 那種人的文章看看就好

    版主回覆:(02/12/2008 10:05:32 PM)


  2. 穿睡衣拖鞋又怎樣

    版主回覆:(02/14/2008 07:59:40 AM)





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還記得前陣子 Facebook 跳出來一個「今年一定要去的旅遊景點」之類的小程式,選擇完一些問題之後就出現了「阿拉斯加看極光」,想當然,我看了看覺得不太可能,所以就把那篇測驗給刪掉了。 沒想到過了幾個月之後,還真的是跑去阿拉斯加看極光,真的是想也沒想到會付諸行動。


因為還是沒上,想說之前就要PO了,想說等「上榜了」再說,就算沒上榜還是得PO一下造福人群。 希望搜尋到此一BLOG的人,不管你是不是要去面試,面試之前總是該準備就緒的。 這次的臺科大資管甲組面試,第一階段當然就是繳交備審資料,通過之後就會被學校通知到學校面試。 建議要去面試之前的人要先去臺科大資管看看 師資陣容 臺科面試感覺都是依照個別問題然後給分的,因為我的是甲組,比較偏向資訊工程的,所以要很注意「資料結構」、C++、Java 等的程式概念,尤其是 物件導向中的三種 「封裝、繼承、多型」,尤其是 多型 中的 Class(類別)特別要注意一下,以免中箭落馬,大意失臺科。 臺科資管面試官給人的感覺就很親切,不會咄咄逼人,所以準備完備才是面試唯一要點。 第一關進去之後,當然就是先來個一分半鐘自我介紹,但是我好像自我介紹稿弄的太長了,所以沒有抓好時間介紹完整....就被迫中斷。 之後就開始問問題了,一開始先問說關於出國留學的事情,這個階段大概就比較偏向個人問答方面。 再來就是問到了: 1. 會不會 Java,會不會 C++ ,問個問題有關 Virtual 什麼的(真的忘了) 2. 果然讓我猜到會問多型中的類別,尤其是「抽象類別」的定義,還有抽象類別到底是做什麼的,請解釋。 3. 如果現在有一筆資料,要做「Search」不是做Sort,你會用哪種方式搜尋。還有該搜尋方式的時間複雜度。 4. 請問資料結構中的 Hashing 是什麼? 5. 你在班上的排名是? 第二關就緊接著來了.... 一進去當然也是自我介紹一番,然後就開始問問題囉。 1. 因為我資料庫成績蠻高分的,所以就被問資料庫相關問題,不過老師問了一個如果有一筆資料要分割成不同資料庫,這時候應該要做些什麼事情。 還有分割資料庫之後,會遇到什麼問題。 2. 也是問到 Class 的相關問題,不過我緊張到都忘記怎麼辦了,跟老師說我有準備可是忘記了,老師還笑笑的回應我。 3. 之後還問了有個空間長寬高都是 1,求天花板到地面的距離 => 根號三 好像還有一些問題,不過我也大概忘了差不多了。 臺科沒上就是因為自己準備不周全,還有對於程式設計中的物件導向中概念不清楚才會這樣,畢竟我比較熟悉的語言是 PHP,但是PHP似乎不是研究所的研究重點,當然就這樣悶悶的沒上榜。 最後給搜尋到此篇網誌的考生們,面試不要緊張,考前資料提...